Thursday, December 16, 2010

jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

i'm mortified.

this afternoon was Nate's JK Christmas program and afterparty (aka potluck). as he and his class were singing Jingle Bells I started getting a bit emotional and had to fight the tears. I mean it's kind of a sentimental milestone and of course I was wishing Jay was there.

then at the potluck it was hot and i was frustrated and it was hard to keep track of Maggie and there were all these happy families and well, throw in the fact that i just generally dislike people and detest these small talk situations I pretty much lost it and started sobbing and the daycare director took pity on me and helped us to our car.

i'm laughing about it now but i'm going to be more than a little embarrassed when I take Nate in tomorrow!

oh well.

1 comment:

  1. At least I managed to leave my work Christmas party before sobbing on the street on the walk home. :) We may make a fine pair this season.
