Saturday, February 19, 2011

i'm still angry with no reason to be

So, I've spent today organizing (mostly my closet as I made room for my $342 GAP spree - almost everything including new stuff was 40% off!). I recovered two of the kitchen chairs and two of my project chairs which I've decided that I'm just going to use material i already own and i've decided i'm only going to do two - the other are not in good enough shape.

It's all good - that still makes them only $5 each. I do need to paint them though but i have to wait until spring so i can spray-paint them.

I've also found a China cabinet online that I'm even going to have delivered for $160. I'm not sure whether I'll paint it or not, i mean i do want some wood pieces but i think i'll either paint or put wallpaper on the back panel.

I think that it will tie in well with the pine harvest table and bring another "old" item to mix with the new. Things are starting to come together. 

I absolutely LOVE the new issue of House Beautiful

I also love this point from an article posted on

The Five Biggest Reno Mistakes

By: Kelvin Browne, National Post

4. You have no idea why you're renovating. With all the magazines and television shows that teach a person how they should be living, some forget to ask themselves why they need a six-burner stove or a gigantic shower head other than they've seen them and have enough space on their credit card to afford it. When you visit houses untouched from the 1960s and 1970s – nice homes in good neighbourhoods – you realize what we take for granted as necessities today are quite over-the-top. Canadians have clearly become very rich in the past decade, a few would say overly materialistic and status conscious. Think twice before handing that magazine clipping to your contractor and yelling "Do it."

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